
Please note that this list is women only and only for women in computer science as described below.

Systers-out is women-only mailing list affiliated with the systers mailing list run by Dr. Anita Borg. (For more information about systers, send mail to The following description of systers-out was modelled on (and flatteringly plagiarized) from syster's membership description.

Systers-out is a private, unmoderated mailing list intended to allow professional lesbians and bisexual women in the field of computing--i.e., with a degree (or currently a student) in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or holding an equivalent technical position in industry, academia, or government--to discuss issues of mutual interest.

The goal of this list is to meet other lesbian and bisexual women working in computer science, to share what it is like to be a lesbian or bisexual women in the field in both industry and academia, to raise visibility in industry, academia and employee and student organizations and to share resources for information and mutual support.

There are many newsgroups and mailing lists generally available for discussion both of gay, bi and lesbian issues and specific areas of computer science/engineering; systers-out aims for a narrower focus. This group is not intended for the use of those in marketing or most administrative positions within a computer company, or reporting about the computer industry, or those just interested in the problems of lesbian and bi women computer professionals. Systers-out does include technical writers and some administrative positions. In this it differs from systers.


For other administration stuff, or for emergencies, send mail to:


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