Homona ja lesbona Euroopassa
Homona ja lesbona Euroopassa: Liite 3


Bergh, Steinar et al.: Homofile, myter og virkelighet. En undersoekelse blant homofile kvinner og menn i Norge. Oslo: Pax Forlag, 1978. Hendricks, Aart et al. (eds.): The Third Pink Book. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1993.

IGA Pink Book 1985. Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985.

ILGA Pink Book. Utrecht Series on Gay and Lesbian Studies nr. 12. Utrecht: Interfacultaire Werkgroep Homostudies, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1988.

I.L.G.A. Bulletin 1990-1994

Månsson, Ulf: "Synti, rikos, ihmisoikeus - oikeustaistelun historiaa ja nykypäivää." Teoksessa Sievers, Kaj & Stålström, Olli (toim.): Rakkauden monet kasvot. Espoo: Weilin+Göös, 1984, ss. 331-357.

Nissen, Inge-Vibeke & Paulsen, Inge-Lise: Lesbian Visibility. A Report about Lesbians within the European Community. Copenhagen: LBL, 1993.

Parikas, Udo & Veispak, Teet (eds.): Sexual minorities and society: the Changing Attitudes toward Homosexuality in the 20th Century Europe. Papers presented to the international conference in Tallinn, May 28-30, 1990. (Institute of History, Papers on History of Sexuality nr. 1.) Tallinn, 1991.

Queer Resources Directory

Scheinin, Martin & Dahlgren, Taina (toim.): Euroopan Unioni ja Ihmisoikeudet. Turku: Åbo Akademin ihmisoikeusinstituutti, 1994.

SETA-lehti 1975-1994.

Tatchell, Peter: Europe in the Pink. Lesbian & Gay Equality in the New Europe. London: Gay Men's Press, 1992.

Tatchell: Out in Europe. A guide to lesbian and gay rights in 30 European countries. London: Channel 4 Television, 1990.

Waaldijk, Kees & Clapham, Andrew (eds.): Homosexuality: A European Community Issue. Essays on Lesbian and Gay Rights in European Law and Policy. (European Human Rights Foundation, International Studies in Human Rights Vol. 26.) Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993.